Stack books foundation

Welcome to Prince Rao's Stack books foundation. We support academics and art of all forms. We are a genius is common partner and independent fashion company that is based in the hip hop culture. Prince Rao began designing kicks on converse id, nike id and vista print during college and expanded into the music industry when he started touring with coast to coast live in 2016. His goal is to create a college fund for his God daughter, nieces and nephews who are the future of everything he does.

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Why Choose Us?

Prince Rao's family moved to the us from Africa to discover the American dream. Born in Pittsburgh Pa Prince Rao realizes that not everyone can make it here and made it his plight to help as many as possible experience the dream. Some ways he is doing this is by taking a portion of his proceeds to providing custom sneakers and apparel to poor people all around the world who can not afford such luxuries.



1220 Randolph st Apt 3, New Castle, PA 16101






